MHHI provides hands-on opportunity for students seeking careers in healthcare

by Matt Overing

MHHI summer 2023

上图:Lainey Fingerman(左)和Duerell Bard(右)在MHHI实习期间与Morning Pointe的一位居民合影. 


From Wii Sports to rock climbing, bwin体育学院的学生获得了与周围社区所有年龄的病人打交道的各种保健专业的第一手经验.

Now in its fifth year, the Medical Health Humanities Institute (MHHI) promotes real-world experience for students interested in public health. MHHI是罗德学院bwin体育和南塞瓦尼大学之间的合作项目. This year, 四名bwin体育学生参加了该项目:Aliana Conway (Sewanee地点), while Ali Grace Fleeman, Duerell Bard and Lainey Fingerman each participated in the program in Danville, Kentucky.

Fleeman, 巴德和芬格曼分享了他们的印象,以及他们在当地三家医疗机构——霍辛周围营——学到的东西, Isaiah House and Morning Pointe Senior Living Center. 

“我对MHHI项目中医学和人文学科的交叉非常感兴趣,” said Fleeman, a Behavioral Neuroscience major from Asheville, North Carolina. 

Fleeman, who will graduate in 2024 and hopes to pursue neuropsychology, utilized the MHHI internship to gain experience in the clinical field.

“Those three sites, they all did really different things,” she said. “我觉得他们让我们全面了解了发育寿命方法,这样我们就可以帮助所有年龄段的人.”

Horsin ' Around营地占地近200英亩,致力于为健康受损的儿童及其家人提供情感和社会支持. Fleeman said she helped with a group from Shriners Hospital in Lexington, and they did rock climbing, boating, crafting and more. 

“他们在下午为孩子们安排了治疗性休息和咨询活动,” Fleeman said. “看到夏令营提供适应性体验的方式真的很酷.”

Bard, a Lexington, Tennessee native, 之前曾在霍辛周围营地和中央足球队一起志愿参加社区服务吗, but this was a new experience.

“We're helping with kids who have disabilities,” Bard said. “We got to go fishing, ride boats, shoot archery. It was very interactive throughout. Being there and working at Camp Horsin’ Around, 我看到了一些完全不同的东西,而不仅仅是一支足球队来到那里打扫卫生.”

Isaiah House, a non-profit providing comprehensive, evidence-based treatment for individuals with substance use disorders, provided another beneficial experience through the MHHI initiative. 巴德说,他和一群正在接受该组织治疗项目的女性一起工作, 包括临床会议,侧重于与他们康复相关的不同主题.


芬格曼是新泽西州海洋镇的本地人,她说她希望进入儿科医学领域. Naturally, she enjoyed time spent at Camp Horsin’ Around, 但他说,每一站都提供了对生命不同阶段医疗保健的互动和见解.

“It’s one thing to look at something from the outside and say, ‘I want to do that,’ but it's another thing to experience it. 我和那里的人有了更多的互动——孩子们,康复bwin体育的客户,老人. That’s what it’s about, talking and interacting with them.”

在Morning Pointe Senior Living,学生们在日常活动和护理方面提供帮助. 

“我真的很喜欢这里的工作人员,也很喜欢看他们如何与住院医生互动,”弗莱曼说. “I felt they did a good job at always being engaged. It’s a small community, 我很高兴看到他们在居民之间建立起了同志情谊. I was thinking about how, if I’m part of a practice one day, I’d like my practice to be and how I’d want people to feel welcome like that.”

康威是肯塔基州路易斯维尔人,曾在田纳西州的南塞瓦尼大学实习. A member of the class of 2025, 康威说,她来到bwin体育的期望是护理前的重点,她在MHHI的经历帮助她了解了不同的专业.

MHHI summer 2023

“Day after day, I was introduced to new areas,” Conway said. “其中一个领域是治疗——物理治疗、职业治疗、语言治疗. I was stationed in the rehabilitation center, and I loved it.”

康威说,她大部分时间都在和病人交谈,了解他们的生活经历——无论是中风病人, 做过膝关节置换手术或无法在家接受治疗的患者, she helped them all.

“有一天,我的工作是和康复bwin体育的一个病人一起玩Wii Sports,” she said. “他想把这项活动作为他的物理治疗,因为他已经完全独立了. I got to know him, and I got to see healthcare from his perspective, 考虑到我从来没有在医院呆过很长时间,这很有趣.”


她说:“我认为bwin体育让我准备好了一件事,那就是开始一种新的体验。. “去一个离家四小时路程的新城镇,突然开始实习,我有点紧张. 但bwin体育给了你这些可控的环境去探索,让你更独立. 所以最后,当你准备好自己出发的时候,你就能成功地做到这一点.”