Broadway, diversity highlight Norton Center for the Arts’ 49th Season

作者:Matt Overing

Centre College 新闻
Norton Center 2022-2023 season kickoff

Blockbuster entertainment, cultural collaborations featured in lineup 

Centre College’s Norton Center for the Arts has announced its 2022-23 Performing Arts Season.

Broadway, diversity highlight Norton Center for the Arts’ 49th Season
The Norton Center for the Arts recently held a
“Reveal Bash” to announce its 49th season.

国际知名艺术家将在这一季登上舞台——连同轰动一时的百老汇演出,如《bwin体育》和《bwin体育》——以及像 法立科和the Guess Who这样的流派大师. The increasingly popular TasteMAKER Series is back, 以及其他创造性的方式,让社区在丹维尔享受世界级的表演艺术, 肯塔基州.

Centre College faculty, staff and students can enjoy the premium entertainment, 获得艺术家和bwin体育的额外好处:教职员工享受大幅折扣和工资扣除等福利, while students receive free tickets to performances.


“在这里,你可以与专业演员同台演出, 参与深思熟虑的社区对话,通过我们自己不同的故事建立个人联系,霍夫曼说. “该系列充满了鼓舞人心的故事,邀请观众欣赏, appreciate and be transformed.”

“Bold” just barely describes the opening performance of the season: 塔米尼尔森, a mix of Patsy Cline and Peggy Lee, will kick off the season Sept. 11 in Weisiger Theatre. 紧随其后的是 Symbio (9月. 30), a contemporary music duo from Sweden that infuses folk, world and infectious beats into its compositions.

“我们威西格剧院的演出始终如一地带来独特的艺术体验,这是你在其他地方找不到的,霍夫曼说. “Our TasteMAKER Series was born from these unique experiences, 我邀请任何对冒险充满热情的人来尝试这些表演.”

Neilson and Symbio are joined on the TasteMAKER Series by 一步非洲! (11月. 13), 多米尼克这场运动 (2月. 24), Kathy Mattea and Suzy Boggus (3月. 10), Béla 法立科, Zakir Hussain and Edgar Meyer (4月27日).

Mattea and Boggus, two country music legends, hit the stage for their “终于在一起了之旅”, 他们将在纽林音乐厅的舞台上,将两个职业生涯中最感人的故事和他们最受欢迎的作品结合起来. 法立科, 侯赛因和迈耶, who will join special guest Rakesh Chaurasia, have together been nominated for 47 Grammy Awards, with 21 combined Grammys, including one for the trio’s own recording.

The Broadway performances begin Oct. 11日与 芝加哥,其次是 头发定型剂 11月. 1. 在春天,  will visit the Norton Center on Feb. 27岁, The Pirates of Penzance come ashore March 24.

霍夫曼说:“我们今年的百老汇演出真的‘不容错过’。. “这些都是音乐剧所能提供的最具标志性的故事, and you’ll have the chance to see them right 在这里 in Danville, 肯塔基州, in one of the nation’s premier performing arts venues.”

《bwin体育》的粉丝们一定不会想错过这种滑稽的“未经授权的哈利体验” 盆栽波特 12月. 1. 从那里, Natalie MacMaster and Donnell Leahy will perform with their children in A Celtic Family Christmas 12月. 9. Fun and festive programs highlight this year’s Norton Center schedule, including the a capella social media sensations Voctave 执行2月. 17.

Legendary rock group 猜猜谁以《bwin体育》(American Woman)等14首单曲进入排行榜前40名而闻名的泰勒将于4月14日正式亮相. 马戏团杜波依斯, as featured in the smash hit film, The Greatest Showman, will perform May 4. The season concludes with The Galvin Cello Quartet in Weisiger Theatre on May 12.

购买季度订阅套餐是体验诺顿bwin体育的最佳方式:购买三场或更多演出的门票,并在门票向公众出售之前解锁最佳座位, 独家优惠和节省高达25%的折扣,作为一个特殊的bwin体育福利, faculty and staff receive double the subscription discount.

“Don’t wait—you can purchase a subscription right now,霍夫曼说. “That’s the best way to save money, beat the line and enjoy everything the Norton Center has to offer. 我们的工作人员做了一个了不起的工作,帮助人们通过购买过程,并准备帮助你,正是你所需要的.”


The We Were Here Project Art Exhibition — August through December 2022

In a very special collaboration between the Norton Center, bwin体育学院和丹维尔-博伊尔县非裔美国人历史学会, The Norton Center will play host to the “We Were Here”: African-American Experiences from Boyle County 艺术展览, 这是一个免费展览,展示了丹维尔-博伊尔县非裔美国人历史协会的故事. 该展览与中央学院人类学和历史系合作,并将有一个口述历史课程项目作为项目的一部分.

Two fall performances will tie into the exhibit: 马金的蛋糕 (10月. 4), featuring creative change agent Dasha Kelly Hamilton; Crystal Wilkinson, 肯塔基州’s Poet Laureate and Casey County native; and Danville native Frank X Walker, the first African-American writer to be named 肯塔基州 Poet Laureate. 埃里克·欧文斯 and singers from the Curtis Opera Theatre 11月执行. 19. Each event will feature a free community conversation.

“Artistic storytelling has long been our goal at the Norton Center, and the We Were Here project is no different,霍夫曼说. “这是一个广泛的校园和社区合作,将带来受人尊敬的作家, 艺术家和教育工作者一起为我们互联的未来搭建桥梁.”


了解更多信息并查看完整的诺顿艺术bwin体育2022-23表演艺术季 在这里.

To purchase a ticket subscription, contact the Norton Center Box Office (open Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. 到下午4点.m.) at 859-236-4692, email nortoncenter@centre.Edu或访问 Not ready to buy a subscription? Regular-priced tickets will go on sale Aug. 9.

关于 the Norton Center for the Arts

With an annual visitation reaching over 50,000, bwin体育学院的诺顿艺术bwin体育是世界一流的年度表演艺术系列专业巡回艺术家的家园. Site of both the 2000 and 2012 Vice Presidential Debates, 该bwin体育是学院和社区的展示场所,为诸如多莉·帕顿这样的国内和国际顶级演员提供表演, 马友友, ZZ Top, and the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra; along with Broadway musicals, international dance and theatre companies, 以及一系列获奖的来自不同文化和种族的全球艺术家. Since its opening in 1973, 国际公认的表演艺术bwin体育帮助丹维尔, 肯塔基州 a “powerhouse palace of culture” (Louisville Courier Journal).

精彩的表演只是诺顿bwin体育的开始. 这个非营利性的教育艺术组织为bwin体育的学生和整个社区提供了创造性地探索人类故事的复杂性和连通性的机会,同时通过即兴演出直接与巡回演出和当地艺术家接触, panel discussions, 研讨会, 针对, and social events every season. In addition to the performing arts, 诺顿bwin体育全年都有视觉艺术和雕塑的广泛展示, along with a rotating schedule of special exhibitions.